The Manufactory is open. 2025 Calendars should be available through mid-January.


I consider myself to be an illustrator with a letterpress print studio. I have a lot of interests and I love combining them in my work: gardening, trains, rocks, old buildings, obsolete industrial processes, going for long walks, watching rabbits and groundhogs devour my lovingly tended vegetable plants....I am pretty sure you can see it all in my work. Professionally, the path I took has been a winding one. I started off at the College of Design at North Carolina State University and got two degrees in architecture. After graduation I moved to Baltimore, Maryland, and stuck with architecture for long enough to get my professional license - and to realize that I liked drawing buildings much more than getting them built. So I moved across the Atlantic for a time to pursue a graduate degree in illustration at Falmouth University, in Cornwall. After I returned to Baltimore, I dipped a toe into letterpress printing and I have been keeping my presses busy ever since.